Oh how was I
going to survive the deadly jungle? I was weak and never brave well i was brave but
fraid' of spooky animals. I was on a trip with
nobody except
Monstercjr. He stood beside Ninja Ty4 me.
Don't worry
Buddie ol pal ill be there too even though I am a
fraid' of
vicious animals how are we going to survive! he screamed. You and
Monstercjr are going to the deadly jungle of C
lub Penguin he said. The king my father gave us camouflage outfits to wear. Oh no, what are we going to eat i wondered! Father put me in a jeep with a
hooligan who is a dumbo and we took off.
Ok, now kids you two are going to be toast out here in the wild you'll never survive he said. He pushed us of at the jungle. By
weirdoz he yelled and left. I thought you know what to do when you are stuck in a jungle with no food or drinks and well only eat fish and have to peel fish to get its meet
Monstercjr said. Last time we were kidnapped by Webfoot and now i am in a jungle how dumb. I was going to die and then my dad will be even sadder than ever!
Yah, that'll teach him. Follow me
Monstercjr said. I followed him and we lead to a lake a cool lake i drank til i was no more thirsty but i was hungry. A motorcycle came in front of me and
MOnstercjr. It was my brother my big brother named
Cooly1245. What are you two doing here he asked. King sent us here to test our
bravness we both said at the same time.
Cooly1245 was going to be king some day and i did not have the chance i was going to be an adventurist. None of the
CJR family will be kings or queens only us. We hopped on the cycle and
accidently got lost in the jungle. I was
dissapointed and so my friend. We hopped off and let my brother drive through the jungle by himself. WE slept in the cold grass hungry and slept. I woke up at 1:00 in the morning for dinner. Wow we ate bug guts and tree bark. A snake said hi to me.
agggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YOU KNOW MY FEAR OF SNAKES. I am scared of snakes. Oh how i wished i was home. Someone behind the trees growled, someone was ready to hunt us. I ran up to the Lake of
Disappearance jumped in a canoe with my friend and sailed off. The figure was riding with us. We jumped in the lake and she was there. She pulled me up from the water. I swam to the end of the lake with
Monstercjr. I found a net and when the figure got up upon the lake the net missed and grabbed me and threw me against the tree.
Monstercjr whacked it in the head and stood on it. She threw a net on him and threw him in a ditch. I
whacked it a couple of times then it
wacked me. I was dizzy and fainted. Then next thing i knew was that i was in a hut like when i was with Webfoot. I was in a cage next to a boiling pot. I was going to get cooked. She had a bandit's mouth ribbon and a black mask like it was a
perfessional theif. Man that figure was going to cook me. The cage was metal and i could not get out. It threw some carrots in the pot then opened my cage. She wrapped me in a net and was ready to drop me in the pot. She dropped the net with me in it.
He he, that was not me i was behind her. For when i grow up i have to have a
dummie of myself. I trapped her in a net and threw hit out the window. I climbed out of the window and standing on the both sides of me were
Cooly1245 and
Monstercjr. No lets see who this criminal is! I took of the mask and it was Pink Pen3009? She was the nicest penguin and caring penguin around. Oh, it was only a toy pink pen 3009 the real
theif ran away in the jungle. I could see the penguin run off into the forest. She stopped! She was stopped by Webfoot!!!!!!!!!! I thought he was vicious but he is a nice guy he ripped of the mask held it upside-down and gave it to us. All the C
lub Penguin soldiers were
there including the King. It was
Kagon' my worst enemy women penguin. She was put in the soldier's wagon and sent to the dungeon also known as
ACP Jail. She'll escape i know it.
Cooly1245, and me Ninja Ty4 all went on different horses. We were at the castle safe and sound and we had a great night even though i could not go to sleep because of the big case i solved and locked up
Kagon'. I love being a penguin!!!!!!!!