Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Party Hat

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Ninja Ty4 Quit :(
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Visit myclubpenguinlounge.blogspot.com
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
-Ninja ty4 and your sincerely Romeo412!
P.S. Have a nice time at the beach!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Mini Tale-Orama from NINJA TY4
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
If you come on my website and have not visited Club Penguin, join!
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sorry penguin wabblers
Look at this Lego post
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Club Penguin Newz is hosting a contest for our viewers who enters this site *RESTARTED
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Club Penguin Superhero Extravaganza Party
Shadow Guy is a famous superhero in Club Penguin history. Gamma Gal is the sidekick of Shadow Guy. There is a partner, Super Puffle that helps sometimes with their jobs. They have to defeat Squidzoid a huge octopus trying to destroy every penguin known to man. It is up to Shadow Guy, Gamma Gal, and Super Puffle to save the Club Penguin Island.
Chapter 1, Super Secret Superhero
Shadow is an average every day penguin. He is a male. His wish is to change the Island of Club Penguin and make it a very good place. He doesn’t want to be famous, because he does not want everyone to be hovering over him. One day, Shadow was walking around and went to the stage to see a play. There was no play and the stage was empty. There was no one on the stage except a girl. “Hello, can I help you with anything?” she said. “No, I just thought there was going to be a play, do you work here?” he asked. “My name is Gamma and I do work here, I am managing and organizing the new play coming tomorrow night,” Gamma answered. She was working on something on a clipboard. “What is it going to be called?” he asked. “Ruby and the Ruby,” she answered. “Oh, I heard of that play,” Shadow said. “Yes, it is a detective’s play” Gamma said. She smiled and started more writing on her clipboard. “Bye,” he said while he was leaving. He was outside, soon. He still wanted to be hero, so he went to his igloo did some work. He sewed, measured, and decorated a suit. He put the suit on and he was a superhero. He named himself “Shadow Guy”. He didn’t want to tell anyone that he was a superhero. Later that night, “Help, crooks, help me,” this little girl was screaming. Three crooks wanted this little girl’s money. She was in between The Night Club and the Gift Shop. Shadow heard the girl. “I will help you,” Shadow answered. He ran behind a telephone booth and put on his costume (so no one could see who he really was) and ran to the girl. He ran between the cracks of the two buildings and saw the burglars and the girl. The crooks spotted Shadow Guy. “Get away from the girl,” Shadow Guy said. Everyone stared at Shadow Guy, the crooks, and the girl. The crooks walked to Shadow Guy. One crook put his finger on Shadow’s chest. “Go away or you will be sorry!” the one robber said. Shadow didn’t move nor did the girl. The crook swung his fist at Shadow’s face. Shadow dunked and the crook’s fist swung back to his body and knocked him out. Three crooks two to go. The next crook had a baseball bat and swung it at Shadow. Shadow ducked, and he grabbed the baseball bat. Shadow stood up and held the bat. The two crooks ran away. Three crooks left and none to go. The girl ran up to Shadow Guy. “Thank you,” she said in a cute voice. Suddenly, a shadow ball surrounded Shadow, and blue smoke was under Shadow, and he started to float in mid air. Everyone was still standing close to Shadow Guy wondering how he did that. The girl disappeared in Shadow’s sight. Shadow picked up the fainted robber’s hand and brought that crook to jail.
Chapter 2, Super Puffle and Gamma Gal
In a dark cave, in the Island of Club Penguin there was an evil monster. The name of the monster was Squidzoid. He was an evil octopus. He wanted all the penguins to die immediately. That day, he was thinking of a way to destroy Club Penguin. The next morning after the big crime fighting, Shadow was researching about how he got his powers. The research stated that there is no way to obtain shadow powers. Still, he was very happy no one recognized him or he’d be famous. “Ding dong,” the door bell rang. Shadow opened the door. A little yellow puffle sat next to the door. Shadow picked up the puffle. The puffle smiled in Shadow’s arms. There was a note attached to the puffle’s neck. The note said:
To Shadow,
I wanted to let you know that the new play at the stage is ready to see.
P.S. Keep the puffle.
The puffle hopped out of Shadow’s hands. The puffle went to the laptop that Shadow was researching on. The puffle went to “www. Puffle Play.com”. “We’ll at least the puffle is occupied,” Shadow said. Shadow flipped on the TV. “You win,” the computer said. Shadow could not hear what was on the news because of the puffle playing on the computer. He tried to listen but the noise of the computer flowed through Shadow’s head. He had a leftover pizza in the refrigerator. He ate that to get the noise flow out of his head. “Logging off,” the computer said. He looked to see what that puffle was doing. That puffle was watching the news that Shadow was watching. “Flying object floating over the Plaza,” the news lady said. “C’mon puffle,” Shadow said. The puffle twirled and twirled and became a puffle with a red cape and a black mask. Shadow quickly found out that the puffle was a superhero. Shadow put on his Shadow Guy outfit and they both flew to the Plaza. They both arrived at the Plaza and everyone crowded around the Plaza. There was a pink flying object getting chassed by jets above the Plaza. It a little looked like Gamma and on the objects suit there was a GG. Shadow and the puffle figured out that it could be Gamma Gal flying over the Plaza. “Hey look it is Shadow Guy, the one who saved the girl,” a lady yelled. He and the puffle stood on top of the Stage building. “Listen everyone, this is my friend,” Shadow yelled through all the noise. There was a complete silence. The jets landed carefully and Gamma Gal who really is Gamma stood right next to the puffle and Shadow. Every penguin starred. “Thank-you everyone,” Shadow said. “Do you want to go to my igloo?” Shadow asked Gamma. Gamma smiled and she Gamma Gal and the puffle and Shadow Guy all went to Shadow’s igloo. When they all arrived at Shadow’s igloo they all sat at the table in the kitchen, except the puffle he sat on the floor eating puffle food. They all took off there costumes and started eating a burger. Shadow and Gamma both starred at the puffle. “What shall we name him?” Shadow asked. “How about Super Puffle?” Gamma asked. “I like that name,” Shadow said. “It is hard to believe that we met in the stage,” Shadow said. Gamma agreed.
Chapter 3, Robots!
That penguin killer octopus Squidzoid hatched an idea later that day. “Yes finally I have a plan,” Squidzoid said. He was going to build two Super- Electronic Diagram Extreme Robot Machines. Squidzoid sent the robots to destroy the Plaza first! Shadow was resting on the couch with Super Puffle. Suddenly, he got wild and hopped all around the room. “What is wrong?” Shadow asked. Super Puffle flew out of the house and made a huge hole in the top of the igloo. Shadow put on his suit and flew out of the house. Super Puffle was at the Plaza and Shadow Guy caught up to him. There were two robots scaring everyone. Gamma Gal never appeared so Shadow Guy and Super Puffle had to do the job. The robots focused on them. With the robot’s laser beam they aimed with their eyes and shot lasers at them. Shadow and the puffle dodged away. Shadow throw a shadow ball at the robots chest but did no damage. Gamma Gal appeared from nowhere. “We are going to have to shut those robots off now,” Gamma said. Shadow smiled. “You and Super Puffle will get the right robot and I’ll get the right one,” Gamma Gal said. Gamma quickly flew to the right robot. She saw a carved out square on the back of the robot. She threw a gamma ball at the robot. The gamma went right through the medal of the robot. The robots hand reached for Gamma. It caught Gamma fiercely. Suddenly, the robot started building up another arm. But this time it was a sharp drill. It started spinning and went towards Gamma Gal. Gamma put pressure on herself and the and the pressure stung the robots hand and it caught on fire and smoke came gushing out of the fire. That burning hand got sunk into the body of the robot. The extra drill hand turned into the hand that just sunk. Gamma had big eyes and almost wanted to fly away. The robots eye spotted Gamma and was going to shot a fireball at her. “Enemy detected,” the robot said. The fireball shot out of the fist of the robot. With Gamma Gal’s powers she blocked it with the light of the sun and the fireball busted into pieces. Gamma shot a gamma ball at the robot and it exploded into pieces. Meanwhile, Shadow Guy and Super Puffle were trying to beat up the robot. “How are we going to beat this robot,” Shadow asked Super Puffle. Super Puffle flew up to the robot and did a body slam and the chest open to the robot and the robot landed on the Night Club unconscious. “Need help?” Gamma Gal asked Shadow Guy. “Yes, we have to disconnect that robot before he wakes up. Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal flew down to the robots chest and meet the Super Puffle there. “Let’s get those batteries quickly, if the battery touches the medal coming out the robot will come alive again,” Shadow said. Super Puffle had no hands to get a battery out so he just used his eye vision to get the battery out. Shadow carefully got the battery out without letting it touch the medal and so did Gamma. The robot automatically shut off. Everyone cheered gracefully. Shadow picked up the robot and through it into the ocean and everyone felt so safe on Club Penguin. But only one villain did not like Club Penguin and wanted to destroy it and wanted to kill Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal and Super Puffle, and his name was Squidzoid.
Chapter 4, Squidzoid
“I will destroy Club Penguin once and for all, and mostly those rotten superheroes Shadow Guy, Gamma Gal, and that puffle, they will be gone,” Squidzoid said in his dark cave. “I will grow till I am 600 feet and I will wreck Club Penguin, Bwahahaha.” Squidzoid said. He got a potion and drank it. His tentacles started growing and his body started growing and he was 600 feet and he was on his way to destroy Club Penguin. Anyway, Gamma received an invitation to someone’s igloo and it said that persons name was Sarah. It was no birthday party and this one girl knew her that Gamma didn’t know. Gamma had no plans so she decided to go. But it was only to 4:30. Soon it was 4:30 and Gamma was in her best outfit. Gamma flew to Sarah’s house (not wearing her superhero costume). Gamma was there and she flew down to ring the doorbell. “Ding dong,” the bell rang. Sarah opened the door. “Hello, Gamma,” Sarah said. “C’mon in,” she said. Gamma stepped in the igloo. “I like your igloo,” Gamma commented. “Please sit,” Sarah said. Gamma sat and Sarah sat across from her. “So I hear you are a superhero named Gamma Gal,” Sarah said. Gamma hoped out of her seat. “How do you know,” she said. “Well I know because your name is Gamma,’’ Sarah said. Gamma sat down. “Well, how do you know my name?” Gamma asked. “I know you are the stage manager and I really wanted to meet you,” Sarah said. “Well, it is very nice to meet you, too,” Gamma said. “Boom,” the ground shook and the two girls fell out of their chairs. A humungous tentacle crashed in the top of the igloo and grabbed Sarah out of her igloo. “Help me!” Sarah screamed. The tentacle brought Sarah outside. The tentacle was the part of Squidzoid. “Stop villain,” Gamma shouted. She put on her Gamma Gal suit and flew to Sarah. Suddenly, Shadow Guy and Super Puffle appeared and went beside Gamma Gal outside. “You two again!” Squidzoid said. “Yes it is us and give the girl back” Shadow Guy said. “Fine” Squidzoid said. He dropped the girl to the ground. Shadow Guy flew to the girl and caught her and put her peacefully on the ground. Super Puffle tried to do a body slam but Squidzoid wacked him. Shadow guy picked up a car and threw it at Squidzoid. Squidzoid blocked it with his strong tentacles. “You will never defeat me, I will defeat you,” Squidzoid said. “So, you’ll still never beat us, we have teamwork on our side,” Shadow Guy said. “What could nasty old teamwork do?” Squidzoid said. “A lot,” he said. The tentacles shot ink out of them. It landed on all of the heroes. Super Puffle ate it. All of the ink on Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal froze and they were solid. Good enough Super Puffle ate the ink off him or he will be solid, too. It was all up to Super Puffle to save Club Penguin from evil hands. Super Puffle shot laser beams at Squidzoid’s tentacles and they started to burn! Super Puffle got a hose in the stage for the new play about firefighters. He shot the hose’s water at Squidzoid and he started to spark into fireworks of blue and red. All of the hotness of the fire melted Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal of the ink. Squidzoid shrunk to mini size and Shadow Guy picked him up. “Well, teamwork does work especially if you have a puffle,” Shadow guy said to tiny Squidzoid. “Well you’ll never get away with this,” Squidzoid said. Shadow flew into the Pizza Parlor. Shadow Guy threw mini Squidzoid in the oven with the pizzas. “Don’t cook me!” tiny Squidzoid screeched. He was cooked. Shadow Guy, Gamma Gal, and Super Puffle cheered loudly and everyone else did, too.
Chapter 5, the Fiesta
Soon the next day, everyone celebrated the ending of Squidzoid. They all put on costumes of Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal and the puffles wore the Super Puffle costumes. Sarah lived to be friends with Shadow and Gamma. Sarah told Shadow that she was the girl in-between the Night Club and the Gift Shop around those penguin robbers wanting her money. Everyone celebrated the peace of Club Penguin even though they did no know who Shadow Guy, Gamma Gal, and Super Puffle were. Everyone lived gracefully with the heroes!
The End
Go see it!!!!!
See Ya Soon
Super Puffle's Tale #1: Penguin Robber!
Caution, a puffle is a puff ball. Once was a pet puffle named Puzzle was walking down the sidewalk. He was a yellow. The puffle saw a poster that had an ugly, penguin robber on it. The puffle thought and he thought until he imagined himself as a superhero. So the puffle ran to the gift shop. He changed to a costume in the dressing room. He put on a cape and black mask. Soon or later he was Super Puffle. That night he was walking down the side walk with his costume on. He heard a noise behind two buildings. He walked between the buildings. Between the two buildings were spray paint on the walls. Puzzle was freaked out. But he knew to not to be afraid because he is Super Puffle and God is always with him. Just then the puffle saw a mean-looking guy. It was the burglar penguin! The puffle was afraid. He did not want to say a word because the robber was walking toward him. He was so afraid he jumped for no reason. When he jumped he floated. The puffle was surprised. But when the burglar got near Super Puffle flew up to the right building and picked up a net and threw it down. The Penguin was captured. Before the puffle got happy 5 more penguins came out. But he remembered he only saw 1 penguin on the poster but there were 5 more. They were not 5 penguins when he saw the poster. Would he defeat the 5 penguins without 5 nets? The puffle backed up but he fell to the ground. The thief’s were getting closer! He saw a figure in the sky. It was flying. It had a cape on. It lowered and lowered until it stood right next to the puffle. The puffle found out that it was a superhero penguin! The puffle saw the hero’s belt. It said SHADOW GUY. The hero gave Puzzle a hand. Puzzle jumped on his hand and got lifted then he jumped off. They blinked at each other. Puzzle jumped on the hero’s back and glided through the air knocking out the robbers silly. Then went right and scooped the robbers up in the net so all 6 robbers in one net. So they picked up the net and carried it to jail. So days later, they had a parade for the two so the two looked at each other again. Soon they became partners and faught crime together and were very happy together.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Getting off Sabertooth and going on other servers
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Deadly Jungle Camping Trip

Oh how was I going to survive the deadly jungle? I was weak and never brave well i was brave but fraid' of spooky animals. I was on a trip with nobody except Monstercjr. He stood beside Ninja Ty4 me. Don't worry Buddie ol pal ill be there too even though I am a fraid' of vicious animals how are we going to survive! he screamed. You and Monstercjr are going to the deadly jungle of Club Penguin he said. The king my father gave us camouflage outfits to wear. Oh no, what are we going to eat i wondered! Father put me in a jeep with a hooligan who is a dumbo and we took off. Ok, now kids you two are going to be toast out here in the wild you'll never survive he said. He pushed us of at the jungle. By weirdoz he yelled and left. I thought you know what to do when you are stuck in a jungle with no food or drinks and well only eat fish and have to peel fish to get its meet Monstercjr said. Last time we were kidnapped by Webfoot and now i am in a jungle how dumb. I was going to die and then my dad will be even sadder than ever! Yah, that'll teach him. Follow me Monstercjr said. I followed him and we lead to a lake a cool lake i drank til i was no more thirsty but i was hungry. A motorcycle came in front of me and MOnstercjr. It was my brother my big brother named Cooly1245. What are you two doing here he asked. King sent us here to test our bravness we both said at the same time. Cooly1245 was going to be king some day and i did not have the chance i was going to be an adventurist. None of the CJR family will be kings or queens only us. We hopped on the cycle and accidently got lost in the jungle. I was dissapointed and so my friend. We hopped off and let my brother drive through the jungle by himself. WE slept in the cold grass hungry and slept. I woke up at 1:00 in the morning for dinner. Wow we ate bug guts and tree bark. A snake said hi to me. agggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YOU KNOW MY FEAR OF SNAKES. I am scared of snakes. Oh how i wished i was home. Someone behind the trees growled, someone was ready to hunt us. I ran up to the Lake of Disappearance jumped in a canoe with my friend and sailed off. The figure was riding with us. We jumped in the lake and she was there. She pulled me up from the water. I swam to the end of the lake with Monstercjr. I found a net and when the figure got up upon the lake the net missed and grabbed me and threw me against the tree. Monstercjr whacked it in the head and stood on it. She threw a net on him and threw him in a ditch. I whacked it a couple of times then it wacked me. I was dizzy and fainted. Then next thing i knew was that i was in a hut like when i was with Webfoot. I was in a cage next to a boiling pot. I was going to get cooked. She had a bandit's mouth ribbon and a black mask like it was a perfessional theif. Man that figure was going to cook me. The cage was metal and i could not get out. It threw some carrots in the pot then opened my cage. She wrapped me in a net and was ready to drop me in the pot. She dropped the net with me in it. He he, that was not me i was behind her. For when i grow up i have to have a dummie of myself. I trapped her in a net and threw hit out the window. I climbed out of the window and standing on the both sides of me were Cooly1245 and Monstercjr. No lets see who this criminal is! I took of the mask and it was Pink Pen3009? She was the nicest penguin and caring penguin around. Oh, it was only a toy pink pen 3009 the real theif ran away in the jungle. I could see the penguin run off into the forest. She stopped! She was stopped by Webfoot!!!!!!!!!! I thought he was vicious but he is a nice guy he ripped of the mask held it upside-down and gave it to us. All the Club Penguin soldiers were there including the King. It was Kagon' my worst enemy women penguin. She was put in the soldier's wagon and sent to the dungeon also known as ACP Jail. She'll escape i know it. Monstercjr, Cooly1245, and me Ninja Ty4 all went on different horses. We were at the castle safe and sound and we had a great night even though i could not go to sleep because of the big case i solved and locked up Kagon'. I love being a penguin!!!!!!!!
It's been awhile...
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Runnaways

So have you ever ran away from your house well I did from the castle i was bored. nothing to do boring most of the times. My teacher always said to never use bored or the first thing you have to clean the toilets. Well me and Monstercjr don't do that dumb stuff. We like to go on quests like who people tells us to do like go on a ninja journey like we never did before like when the dragons came with the frogs when my friend Monstercjr was not there. We were not friends back then... of course. Me and Monstercjr both were in a diamond quart together and I have no idea of how he went there with no money??????? Well get to the point i became friends with him even though i have like couple hundred thousand million trillion questions to ask. Well maybe not hundred thousand million trillion questions well you get the main idea. Today i am going to tell you about how me and Monstercjr got caught by Web Foot the ancient legend from long ago. I ran away from the castle and posh i was caught by webfoot. Well let me tell you the begining to end of the story. Wait let me introduce myself, i am Ninja Ty4 prince of Club Penguin. So me and Monstercjr were playing chess while i screamed to death. Just kidding, we just decided to leave the castle of bored-ness. We left in our rubber duckies,he he. We went on a horse, made of rubber he he. Then we got attacked by naked penguins, kidding again. We accidentally got LOST!!!!!!!!! When we heard noises we fainted, and this time I am not kidding. Then as you know we were wakened by Web Foot the legend. We ate pizza, and chocolate cake and I'm not kidding i ate at Webfoot's hut. But i do not want to go back to the castle well i do maybe. Bigfoot went to get lunch and never came back. He poked out the window, i think he was ready to eat us!!!!!!! I ran out of the hut and zoomed out of the forest into the nice and cozy castle. Phew i was safe. The King my father was laughing loud in front of me. You fell for it you will be going on a transfer mission the deadly jungle of Club Penguin he said. Oh no. I will be going to deadly jungle of Club Penguin soon! The queen did not want me too but i wanted to face my fears
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Calypoo is visiting our site
Friday, March 6, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Thank You!!!!
Magic and Prince?

There was this one Prince who's Daddy ruled over Club penguin. He wanted to know what he was missing in life so he... went out to search. He did not want to be a summer wrestler or a person who is lame and has no life he wanted to do something that is what a prince can do like... be an inventor with G. Or be a DJ mixer with Cadence. He took a coin in fact a golden coin. He took a handkerchief and accidentally dropped it. The coin was gone. He may be a magician like his... well none of his relatives were magician. He practiced his magic trick for the big feast with the king his daddy. He practiced disappearing a puffle and growing a full sized flower. He was ready for the big feast. It was soon 8:30 time for the feast. The Prince put a gold cape around his neck. He showed his papa is cape and he was planning to show the whole audience his magic except his evil mother Queen who hatted the Prince. The Prince sat and ate supper. When he was finished he greeted the people and started his first magic trick. But guess who stopped him the Queen. She said the Prince did not have any talent and he was awful at magic. She said to the audience that he had nothing in his head. The Prince did not take the torment so he pushed the Queen aside but she pushed him first. He tried his best to stay. And he did stay. He did his first disappearing a puffle trick and came out perfect. But after that the commotion began. He did one more trick and giant frogs came out of his hat and big and heavy winds surrounded the castle and a giant dragon crashed threw the silver ceiling. How was the Prince going to get passed this one. He had in his mind the disappearing dragon trick so he said, So DA DA Ge Rio Get This Dragon Into The Time Wagon. It worked he saved the castle from a live dragon. Now what was he going to do about the toads. He dropped his wand by accident. It was a good accident it sucked the frogs in his wand. Everyone clapped their hands even though the castle was a wreck. But guess who was jealous... the poor little Queen. She did not want to get laughed at so she backfoward her toes and accidently fell into a cold pot of water then everyone noticed her and laughed. The Prince done well, he did well!
Monday, March 2, 2009
The white puflles are suppose to be small and active
The Mystery of the Missing Migrator!
"HELP!" she cried "I am in the..." the evil guy stopped her. "MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! You will never find me," he said. They hung up. I got to the Pizza Parlor. "Sorry," a penguin said. "We are out of tables at the moment. You only need to wait 5 minutes." I got to the table. "I wonder where they are," I said to myself. I got a soda. I paid after I got the soda and finished the soda and left the Pizza Parlor. So I left the Pizza Parlor and
went to Exxon. Exxon is my favorite gas station. I bought some gas and went to the car. I filled the gas tank. I got in. Once I got in I called Saraapril. It was answered. But it wasn't Saraapril who answered. I suspected that she was the one who was stolen. Chillie squeaked through the phone. Snowflake jumped inside through the window. Lucky for Snowflake the window was open. Chillie put it on speaker phone. Snowflake squeaked. "Squeak Squeak!" I could make out of what the puffle was saying. It said Saraapril was captured! I thought they were in the Migrator. Yes they were. The Migrator was sailing away!
I had to catch the Migrator. The only way was to grab my speed boat. My speed boat is faster than an old pirate ship. But the pirate shop was re-built 13 months ago. Also that sweaty old speedboat is more than 5 months old. It was sure younger by less than a year. I jumped into the Monster and drove away. I found out that the boat was on Monstercjr Island. I leapt out of the boat and fell back in again. That part of the island would snap my brain out! I parked the speedboat on the island. I ran on to the Migrator. I was so fast when I went on the Migrator my leather boots squeaked.
I went to the ship's hold. A box tipped over. I opened the box and there was Saraapril. Then the penguin came. I thought of blog headlines in my head: "Missing Saraapril Found. Finder gets Killed! Stolen Migrator Found!"
I couldn't take being killed. I jumped on the evil guy. I punched him in the face! I grabbed the evil guy and Saraapril. I told Saraapril to stay back. She moved back a bit. I got out a sword. "WALK THE PLANK!" I said to the evil guy. The guy took off his costume. It was Ur A Peanut. "I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN," I said, looking mad at Ur A Peanut. He looked at me, worried. I pushed him off the plank. He was gone. I attached the Monster to the Migrator. I drove the Migrator. Once we got on Club Penguin we both got on the Monster to go to the dock to park my speed boat. We went to Saraapril's igloo for a party. I parked the limo next to my igloo, because her house was across the street. We boogied and my puffles noticed. The puffles saw that both windows were open. My puffles wanted to be polite and knocked on the door. I opened it. "Come on in, my puffles," I said. We had brownies, cake and everything. Man I love brownies! I tried not to slurp when I spotted the brownies. We had jokes and lots of stuff.
The End
Cross-posted at the Club Penguin Club House
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Club Penguin Portugal Words
our first vistitor is Antonio!
Brothers? Rockhopper's Brother?
The secret porthole!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Rockhopper has arrived
Monstercjr is coming! to write
The whities

I NInja Ty4 are searching for... the white puffle. MOnster CJr and I had been looking for the whities. the whities are the club penguin white puffle. Searches have been up but could the white puffle be lost forever? We have to find the last white puffle. Soon or we cant get the puffles as petz!!! Go and find the whities, now!